Sharq Global
شرق ګلوبل پر سپوږمکۍ
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The organization is headquartered in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan and the second office is in the United States, broadcasts the second channel called “Sharq Global Tv’. At a glance, the organization has successfully implemented the overleaf projects for the sake of community development, empowerment, welfare, and promotion, and to showcase the true picture of Afghan culture. In addition, the team works to help new arrivals in the U.S. to better adjust to the culture of the U.S. via various programs.
At a glance, the organization has successfully implemented overleaf projects for the sake of community development, empowerment, and welfare.
Sharq Global Tv Update on Turkmen Alem stalite.Orbltal PositionGEO, °52.0East. Rs:2750010845
Sharq Global Tv Weekly Program
برنامه های جدید تلویزیون شرق ګلوبل
تلویزیون شرق ګلوبل در اول مارچ سال 2022 درامریکا ثبت و راجستر میباشد نشرات خود را روی ستیلایت ترکمنعالم جادو باګس و آپی پی تی وی
و همچونان در صفحه ویب سایت و انترنیت موجود میباشد.
Established on 01st Feb 2022 Is known as the first Pashto private Global Tv in United State.
The TV has the largest audience in the World (Afghan Refugee ). It is a multi-themed broadcasting program that includes news, entertainment, music, community awareness, and public welfare.
sHarQ TV- Goals and Objectives:
• Increase community awareness and promote the positive Afghan culture of social respect, honesty, tolerance, peace, and unity.
• Mobilize the community in favor of nation-building and respecting national priorities.
• Institutionalize the culture of tolerance and mutual respect through public debates.
• Promote education, positive journalism, and national priorities.
• Promote democratic values and increase public awareness about the government’s national strategies.
• Facilitate discussion between the local authorities and the public; conveying the key messages of the people to the government.
• Strengthen linkages between the government and the people.
Key Programs of SHarQ Global
Songs Count Down:A weekly entertainment/music program, broadcasting the top and latest songs.
Today Morning: A weekly social program aimed at highlighting the elite and educated niche; doctors, teachers, writers, and prominent personalities are invited for discussion on specific topics.
Sport: A weekly program, promoting the culture of sports. The life events of prominent sportsmen are highlighted here, the relevant sports champ are present at the studio.
Today’s Talk:A political-themed program, broadcasted live three times a week.
Sharq Clinic: A weekly program, aimed at increasing public awareness on healthy living being, a doctor is invited to discuss a specific disease and provide advice.
Your Views: A live call-in social program broadcasted weekly.
Weekly Review: A walkthrough of important news and events during the past week.
I am young: A youth-oriented program aimed at educating youth to identify their problems and tackle them; also includes entertainment for the youth.
Morning Today: A live TV show in the morning to start the day with; a guest from the society, music, and news.
Da Jowand Parawona (The Hardships of Life) : A weekly program aimed at highlighting the needs of the poorest niche of society.
Viewers’ Choice: A live entertainment program, four times a week, aimed at highlighting social problems, followed by music on the caller’s choice.
Living Legends: A pre-recorded program highlighting the social values, norms, and livelihood of rural villagers.
Light of Truth: A live program, hosted by an Islamic Scholar, the program has a religious theme; viewers call and receive advice about their concerns from Islamic scholars.
Songs Count Down:A weekly entertainment/music program, broadcasting the top, and latest songs.
Today Morning: A weekly social program aimed at highlighting the elite and educated niche; doctors, teachers, writers, and prominent personalities are invited for discussion on specific topics.
Sport: A weekly program, promoting the culture of sports. The life events of prominent sportsmen are highlighted here, the relevant sports champ are present at the studio.
Today’s Talk:A political-themed program, broadcasted live three times a week
.Sharq Clinic: A weekly program, aimed at increasing public awareness on healthy living being, a doctor is invited to discuss a specific disease and provide advice.
Your Views: A live call-in social program broadcasted weekly. News report